Our Voices

Listen while we tell you our stories

If you consider this will contain triggers for you and your own personal circumstance, you may want to read the report or the one page fact sheets before deciding whether to listen to the stories


Damper day at the springs



The YAWG Project

If they came to my house they’d understand what goes through my head

The YAWG Project

Teachers’ impressions of me

The YAWG Project

They need to look behind the picture


What was happening for me at 10

The stories in this section follow on from Behind my curtain. They describe experiences young women had already had by the time they were 10 years old. These experiences lay the foundations for their interactions with schools and with support services, and contributed to the challenges that they faced in their lives.


The YAWG Project

Growing up with that around, you just know stuff other kids don’t

The YAWG Project

Your life is a bit different from the other kids

The YAWG Project

I’d grab their sandwiches

The YAWG Project

It’s the come down

The YAWG Project

Everyday I got kicked out

The YAWG Project

Help me teach them

The YAWG Project

I threw a chair at him


Experiences of racism

Experiencing racism was a common experience for the young Aboriginal women participating in YAWG. The two stories presented here highlight typical experiences.


The YAWG Project

It feels like you’re being victimised

The YAWG Project

Security officers don’t make us feel safe

The YAWG Project

That’s a typical Aboriginal problem

The YAWG Project

We don’t know if it’s good or not

The YAWG Project

Don’t know how to talk about my feelings

The YAWG Project

Being taken away

The YAWG Project

You can tell us, you’re safe with us

The YAWG Project

Lots of us are scared to talk


How I’d like you to talk to me

The stories in this section present both young people’s ideas for service providers to do things differently as well as positive stories about engaging with support services.


The YAWG Project

These are your options

The YAWG Project

Take the time out of their day to ask a kid like me how I’m going

The YAWG Project

They only want to talk to us when there is a problem

The YAWG Project

It starts at 10

The YAWG Project

We can fit you in in another two weeks

The YAWG Project

They’re just there

The YAWG Project

I overthink things, I need to connect with someone

The YAWG Project

You have to feel comfortable

The YAWG Project


The YAWG Project

I want to finish school